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J. bras. nefrol ; 46(3): e20230092, July-Sept. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550506


ABSTRACT Introduction: The importance of dietitians in dialysis units is indisputable and mandatory in Brazil, but little is known about the practices adopted by these professionals. Objective: To know practices adopted in routine nutritional care, focusing on nutritional assessment tools and treatment strategies for people at risk or diagnosed with malnutrition. Methodology: Electronic questionnaire disseminated on social media and messaging applications. It included questions that covered dietitians' demographic and occupational profile characteristics and of the dialysis unit, use and frequency of nutritional assessment tools, nutritional intervention strategies in cases of risk or diagnosis of malnutrition, prescription and access to oral supplements. Results: Twenty four percent of the Brazilian dialysis units (n = 207) responded electronically. The most used nutritional assessment tools with or without a pre-established frequency were dietary surveys (96%) and Subjective Global Assessment (83%). The strategies in cases of risk or presence of malnutrition used most frequently (almost always/always) were instructions to increase energy and protein intake from foods (97%), and increasing the frequency of visits (88%). The frequency of prescribing commercial supplements with standard and specialized formulas was quite similar. The availability of dietary supplements by the public healthcare system to patients varied between regions. Conclusion: Most dietitians use various nutritional assessment tools and intervention strategies in cases of risk or malnutrition; however, the frequency of use of such tools and strategies varied substantially.

Resumo Introdução: A importância da atuação do nutricionista em unidades de diálise é indiscutível e obrigatória no Brasil, porém pouco sabemos sobre as práticas adotadas por esses profissionais. Objetivo: Conhecer práticas adotadas na rotina dos atendimentos nutricionais, com foco nas ferramentas de avaliação nutricional e nas estratégias de tratamento das pessoas com risco ou diagnóstico de desnutrição. Metodologia: Questionário eletrônico divulgado em mídias sociais e aplicativos de mensagens. Incluiu questões que abrangiam características do perfil demográfico e ocupacional do profissional e da unidade de diálise, utilização e frequência de ferramentas de avaliação nutricional, estratégias de intervenção nutricional em casos de risco ou diagnóstico de desnutrição e prescrição e acesso a suplementos alimentares orais. Resultados: Foram recebidos eletronicamente o equivalente a 24% das unidades de diálise brasileiras (n = 207). As ferramentas de avaliação nutricional mais utilizadas com ou sem frequência pré-estabelecida foram inquéritos dietéticos (96%) e Avaliação Global Subjetiva (83%). As estratégias em casos de risco ou presença de desnutrição utilizadas com mais frequência (quase sempre/sempre) foram a orientação de incremento energético e proteico por meio de alimentos (97%) e o aumento da periodicidade das visitas (88%). A frequência de prescrição de suplemento industrializado de fórmula padrão e especializada foi bastante semelhante. A disponibilização de suplementos alimentares pelo Sistema Único de Saúde aos pacientes variou entre as regiões. Conclusão: A maior parte dos nutricionistas utiliza diversas ferramentas de avaliação nutricional e estratégias de intervenção em casos de risco ou desnutrição, porém a frequência de utilização de tais ferramentas e estratégias foi bastante variada.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535342


Objective: To explore the training and use of auditory perceptual evaluation of the voice reported by Colombian speech-language pathologists. Study Design: Cross-sectional observational research with a quantitative approach. Methods: A digital questionnaire was designed and distributed to gather information regarding professionals' training process and implementation of auditory-perceptual evaluation procedures. Descriptive statistics were applied, and several generalized linear models were adjusted to determine the influence of certain variables on others. Results: The survey received responses from 40 speech-language pathologists, revealing that the most used scales for training and evaluating vocal quality within this group are direct magnitude estimations (82.5% and 77.5%). Similarly, in this group, the tasks most frequently used to train and use as an evaluation strategy are vowel assessments (38%) followed by spontaneous speech (30%). Practitioners of this group were mostly trained using a conceptual framework involving multiple exposures to rating (42.5%). The use of direct magnitude estimation in training with a normal voice showed significance (p = 0.015), as did the use of the vowel /i/ in training with an equal-appearing interval (p = 0.013). The statistical models relating the scale used to the scale on which participants were trained were also significant (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The GRBAS scale is the training tool most used by the group of speech-language pathologists of the study group in Colombia. Future efforts should focus on improving training practices for auditory-perceptual evaluation, exploring alternative conceptual frameworks, and incorporating external references to enhance validity and reliability.

Objetivo: Explorar los reportes de fonoaudiólogos colombianos acerca del entrenamiento y uso de la evaluación perceptual auditiva de la voz. Diseño de estudio: Se eligió un diseño de investigación observacional transversal con un enfoque cuantitativo. Metodología: Se diseñó y distribuyó un cuestionario digital para recopilar información sobre el proceso de formación de los profesionales y la implementación de procedimientos de evaluación perceptual auditiva. Se aplicaron estadísticas descriptivas y se ajustaron varios modelos lineales generalizados para determinar la influencia de ciertas variables en otras. Resultados: La encuesta recibió respuestas de 40 fonoaudiólogos, revelando que las escalas más utilizadas para la formación y la evaluación de la calidad vocal en el grupo son las estimaciones de magnitud directa (82.5% y 77.5%). Del mismo modo, en este grupo las tareas más frecuentemente utilizadas para la formación y el uso como estrategia de evaluación son las vocales (38%), seguidas por el habla espontánea (30%). La mayoría de los profesionales del grupo fueron formados utilizando un marco conceptual que involucra múltiples exposiciones a la calificación (42.5%). El uso de la estimación de magnitud directa en la formación con una voz normal mostró significancia (p = 0.015), al igual que el uso de la vocal /i/ en la formación con intervalos de igual apariencia (p = 0.013). Los modelos estadísticos que relacionan la escala utilizada con la escala en la que los participantes fueron entrenados también fueron significativos (p < 0.05). Conclusiones: La escala GRBAS es la herramienta de formación más utilizada por el grupo de fonoaudiólogos del estudio. Los esfuerzos futuros deberían centrarse en mejorar las prácticas de formación para la evaluación perceptual auditiva, explorar marcos conceptuales alternativos e incorporar referencias externas para mejorar la validez y la confiabilidad.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535347


In a context where different protocols for recommended practices in clinical voice assessment exist, while there are gaps in the literature regarding the evidence base supporting assessment procedures and measures, clinicians from regions where a strong community holding expertise in clinical and scientific voice practices lack can struggle to confidently develop their voice assessment practices. In an effort to improve voice assessment practices and strengthen professional identity among speech-language pathologists in Quebec, Canada, a community of practice (CoP) was established, with the aim of promoting knowledge sharing, implementing change in clinical practice, and improving professional identity. Thirty-nine participants took part in the CoP activities conducted over a four-month period, including virtual meetings and in-person workshops. Participants had a high rate of attendance (> 74% participation rate in virtual meetings), and were highly satisfied with their participation and intended to remain involved after the project's end. Statistically significant changes in voice assessment practices were observed post-CoP, regarding probability of performing assessments (p < .001), and perceived importance of assessment for evaluative purposes (p <.001), as well as improvements in assessment specific confidence, specifically for procedure of auditory-perceptual assessment (p < .001) and purpose of aerodynamic assessment (p = .05). Moreover, there was an increase in professional identity post-CoP (p < .001) and participants felt they made significant learnings. The present study highlighted the need to involve SLPs in future research to identify assessments that are relevant to the specific evaluative objectives of SLPs working with voice, and suggests CoPs are an efficient tool for that purpose.

En un contexto en el que existen diferentes protocolos para las prácticas recomendadas en la evaluación vocal clínica, y en el que se presentan vacíos en la literatura respecto a la base de evidencia que respalda los procedimientos y medidas de evaluación, los profesionales de regiones donde no hay una comunidad sólida con experiencia en prácticas vocales clínicas y científicas pueden enfrentar dificultades para desarrollar con confianza sus prácticas de evaluación vocal. Con el propósito de mejorar las prácticas de evaluación vocal y fortalecer la identidad profesional entre los logopedas de Quebec, Canadá, se estableció una comunidad de práctica (CdP). Esta tenía como objetivo fomentar el intercambio de conocimientos, implementar cambios en la práctica clínica y mejorar la identidad profesional. Un total de treinta y nueve participantes se involucraron en las actividades de la CdP, llevadas a cabo durante un período de cuatro meses, que incluyeron reuniones virtuales y talleres presenciales. Los participantes tuvieron una alta tasa de asistencia (> 74% de participación en las reuniones virtuales) y expresaron un alto grado de satisfacción con su participación, manifestando su intención de continuar involucrados después de la finalización del proyecto. Se observaron cambios estadísticamente significativos en las prácticas de evaluación vocal posterior a la CdP, en lo que respecta a la probabilidad de llevar a cabo evaluaciones (p < .001) y la percepción de la importancia de la evaluación con fines evaluativos (p < .001), así como mejoras en la confianza específica en la evaluación, particularmente en el procedimiento de evaluación auditivo-perceptual (p < .001) y el propósito de la evaluación aerodinámica (p = .05). Además, se registró un aumento en la identidad profesional posterior a la CdP (p < .001) y los participantes sintieron que obtuvieron aprendizajes significativos. El presente estudio destacó la necesidad de involucrar a los logopedas en investigaciones futuras, para identificar evaluaciones pertinentes a los objetivos evaluativos específicos de los logopedas que trabajan con la voz, y sugiere que las CdP son una herramienta eficiente con ese propósito.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(2): e2024PO01, Apr.-June 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550491


ABSTRACT The CONVINCE study, recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, reveals a groundbreaking 23% reduction in the relative risk of all-cause mortality among end-stage kidney patients undergoing high convective volume hemodiafiltration. This significant finding challenges the conventional use of high-flux hemodialysis and offers hope for improving outcomes in chronic kidney disease patients. While some controversies surround the study's findings, including concerns about generalizability and the causes of death, it is essential to acknowledge the study's design and its main outcomes. The CONVINCE study, part of the HORIZON 2020 project, enrolled 1360 patients and demonstrated the superiority of hemodiafiltration in reducing all-cause mortality overall, as well as in specific patient subgroups (elderly, short vintage, non-diabetic, and those without cardiac issues). Interestingly, it was shown that hemodiafiltration had a protective effect against infection, including COVID-19. Future research will address sustainability, dose scaling effects, identification of subgroups especially likely to benefit and cost-effectiveness. However, for now, the findings strongly support a broader adoption of hemodiafiltration in renal replacement therapy, marking a significant advancement in the field.

RESUMO O estudo CONVINCE, publicado recentemente no New England Journal of Medicine, revela uma redução inovadora de 23% no risco relativo de mortalidade por todas as causas entre pacientes renais em estágio terminal submetidos à hemodiafiltração de alto volume de convecção. Esse achado significativo desafia o uso convencional da hemodiálise de alto fluxo e oferece esperança de melhoria dos desfechos em pacientes com doença renal crônica. Embora algumas controvérsias cerquem os achados do estudo, incluindo preocupações sobre a generalização e as causas de óbito, é essencial reconhecer o desenho do estudo e seus principais desfechos. O estudo CONVINCE, parte do projeto HORIZON 2020, inscreveu 1.360 pacientes e demonstrou a superioridade da hemodiafiltração na redução da mortalidade por todas as causas em geral, bem como em subgrupos específicos de pacientes (idosos, HD de curta duração, não diabéticos e aqueles sem problemas cardíacos). Curiosamente, demonstrou-se que a hemodiafiltração teve um efeito protetor contra infecções, incluindo a COVID-19. Pesquisas futuras abordarão sustentabilidade, efeitos de escalonamento da dose, identificação de subgrupos especialmente propensos a se beneficiar e a relação custo-benefício. No entanto, por ora, os achados apoiam fortemente uma adoção mais ampla da hemodiafiltração na terapia renal substitutiva, marcando um avanço significativo na área.

Cureus ; 16(2): e55195, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558591


Introduction The advent of social media platforms, notably TikTok, has significantly transformed the landscape of health information dissemination, offering both opportunities and challenges for public health communication. This study focuses on TikTok's influence on sinus health information, addressing the dual challenge of widespread engagement and the risk of misinformation in otolaryngology, or ENT (ear-nose-throat), information online. We introduce the ENT Content Engagement and Quality Index (ENT-CEQI), a pioneering tool designed to assess the quality and engagement of ENT-related content on TikTok, aiming to improve public understanding of sinus health. Materials and methods Our methodology involved a systematic analysis of sinus health-related content on TikTok. We collected data on the top 100 most popular videos using the hashtag #sinus at two different points in time, analyzing engagement metrics and content quality. The ENT-CEQI was developed to evaluate content, incorporating both quantitative engagement metrics (views, likes, comments, shares, favorites) and qualitative assessments (accuracy, clarity, relevance, practicality, engagement). The study employed statistical analyses, including trend analysis, correlation analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), KMeans clustering, regression analysis, and the Kruskal-Wallis test, to understand the dynamics of content engagement and quality. Results Initial findings revealed significant disparities in engagement metrics and quality scores among different content creator categories, with physician-generated content showing the highest engagement and quality. The trend analysis indicated shifts in content popularity and quality over time, with a notable increase in views and likes for private company content. The PCA and clustering analyses identified distinct content clusters, offering insights into viewer engagement patterns. Regression analysis and the Kruskal-Wallis test, however, did not find significant predictors (p-value: 0.3916) of content quality or differences in likes across content types, suggesting complex factors influencing content engagement and quality perception. Discussion The study highlights TikTok's potential and pitfalls in disseminating sinus health information. The introduction of the ENT-CEQI represents a major step toward enhancing the evaluation of health content on social media, emphasizing the importance of accuracy, clarity, and relevance in public health communication. The analysis underscores the complexity of social media engagement and the need for robust tools to assess content quality. It also points to the critical role of healthcare professionals in engaging with the public through social media to combat misinformation. Conclusions TikTok serves as a potent platform for sinus health education, capable of reaching wide and diverse audiences. The ENT-CEQI emerges as a vital tool for assessing the quality and engagement of ENT-related content, guiding content creators toward producing more reliable and informative content. This study contributes to the understanding of social media's role in health communication, advocating for the strategic use of innovative tools such as the ENT-CEQI to enhance public health outcomes through improved online health education and misinformation management.

Cureus ; 16(2): e55136, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558586


INTRODUCTION: The selection of the most optimal fixation method for fractures of the distal femur, whether intramedullary nail (NL), lateral locking plate (PL), or nail/plate (NP) is not always clear. This study retrospectively evaluates surgical patients with distal femur fractures and introduces a pilot study using cluster analysis to identify the most optimal fracture fixation method for a given fracture type. METHODS: This is a retrospective cohort study of patients 18 years and older with an isolated distal femur fracture who presented to our Level-1 trauma center between January 1, 2012, and December 31, 2022, and obtained NL, PL, or NP implants. Patients with polytrauma and those without at least six months of follow-up were excluded. A chart review was used to obtain demographics, fracture classification, fixation method, and postoperative complications. A cluster analysis was performed. The following factors were used to determine a successful outcome: ambulatory status pre-injury and 6-12 months postoperatively, infection, non-union, mortality, and implant failure. RESULTS: A total of 169 patients met inclusion criteria. No statistically significant association between the fracture classification and fixation type with overall outcome was found. However, patients treated with an NP (n = 14) had a success rate of 92.9% vs only a 68.1% success rate in those treated with a PL (n = 116) (p = 0.106). The most notable findings in the cluster analysis (15 total clusters) included transverse extraarticular fractures demonstrating 100% success if treated with NP (n = 6), 50% success with NL (n=2), and 78.57% success with PL fixation (n=14). NP constructs in complete articular fractures demonstrated success in 100% of patients (n = 5), whereas 77.78% of patients treated with NL (n = 9) and 61.36% of those treated with PL (n = 44). CONCLUSIONS: Plate fixation was the predominant fixation method used for distal third femur fractures regardless of fracture classification. However, NP constructs trended towards improved success rates, especially in complete intraarticular and transverse extraarticular fractures, suggesting the potential benefit of additional fixation with these fractures. Cluster analysis provided a heuristic way of creating patient profiles in patients with distal third femur fractures. However, a larger cohort study is needed to corroborate these findings to ultimately develop a clinical decision-making tool that also accounts for patient specific characteristics.

Cureus ; 16(2): e55189, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558599


BACKGROUND: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) nurses with adequate neonatal pain assessment knowledge are crucial in effective neonatal pain management. There is limited research that assessed the knowledge of NICU nurses in Saudi Arabia regarding neonatal pain assessment. OBJECTIVE: To assess the knowledge of NICU nurses in Saudi Arabia regarding neonatal pain assessment. DESIGN AND METHODS:  A cross-sectional design using an online survey was conducted to capture information regarding neonatal pain assessment knowledge from 125 NICU nurses in Saudi Arabia. Knowledge of pain assessment was assessed using a modified version of the knowledge, attitudes, and practice scale. Knowledge scores were classified as high, average, and low. RESULTS: Participants' knowledge regarding neonatal pain assessment was inadequate (Mean = 63/100). The majority of the participants had a low to average level of knowledge (n= 97, 78%). CONCLUSION: A significant proportion of NICU nurses had inadequate knowledge regarding neonatal pain assessment, which can be improved. Educational interventions are needed to boost these nurses' knowledge regarding neonatal pain assessment.

Front Psychol ; 15: 1341430, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558781


Understanding consciousness is central to understanding human nature. We have competing theories of consciousness. In interdisciplinary consciousness studies most believe that consciousness can be naturalized (i.e., consciousness depends in some substantial way on processes in - or states of - the brain). For roughly two decades, proponents of almost every theory have focused on collecting empirical support for their preferred theory, on the tacit assumption that empirical evidence will resolve the debates. Yet, it remains unclear how empirical evidence can do this in practice. Here I address this issue by offering (a sketch of) a methodology to quantify the divergent sets of empirical support proposed in favor of extant theories of consciousness. This in turn forms the foundation for a process of inference to the best explanation inspired by Bayesian confirmation theory. In interdisciplinary consciousness studies we are blessed with an abundance of theories, but we have reached a point where, going forward, it would be beneficial to focus on the most promising ones. Methods for assessment and comparison are necessary to identify which those are. While future refinement is likely, the methodology for assessment and comparison proposed here is a first step toward a novel way of approaching this through a quantification of empirical support for theories of consciousness.

Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle) ; 5(1): 286-292, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558945


Introduction: Premenstrual symptoms, including premenstrual syndrome and its more severe form premenstrual dysphoric disorder, are a set of somatic and psychological symptoms that occur during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Our research aimed to adapt the Hungarian version of the Premenstrual Assessment Form-Short Form (PAF-SF), a questionnaire suitable for assessing premenstrual symptoms, and to examine its reliability, validity, and applicability. Methods: The questionnaire was validated according to Beaton's six-step guidelines. Our sample consisted of 198 menstruating women, 50 of whom completed the instrument for a second time to assess reliability. Descriptive statistics were calculated presenting mean (standard deviation), the internal consistency was measured by Cronbach's alpha value, the test-retest reliability using intraclass correlation coefficients, Spearman rank correlation was applied to test the criterion validity of the questionnaire, and discriminant validity was examined using the independent-sample t test using IBM SPSS 28.0 software. The structural validity was evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using IBM AMOS 29.0 software. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: Our sample (average age 25.37 ± 4.80 years) scored 28.08 ± 9.49 points out of the maximum 60 points when filling out the PAF-SF questionnaire. The result of Cronbach's alpha calculation, which supports the reliability of the questionnaire, was 0.845. During the CFA, the three-factor structure (Affect, Water Retention, and Pain) was supported (root mean-square error approximation [RMSEA] = 0.054; Tucker-Lewis Index = 0.965; Comparative Fit Index = 0.976; χ2 = 48.642; df = 31; p = 0.023; χ2/df = 1.569). Discussion: The PAF-SF questionnaire proved to be a reliable measuring tool for assessing premenstrual symptoms among women of reproductive age.

Food Chem X ; 22: 101301, 2024 Jun 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559440


In this study, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was employed to analyze the prevalence of 10 mycotoxins in 140 samples from the Chinese market, aiming to assess the exposure of Chinese individuals to these mycotoxins through the consumption of wine, baijiu, and huangjiu. Mycotoxins were detected in 98% of the samples, with fumonisins (FBs), deoxynivalenol (DON), and zearalenone (ZEN) exhibiting positive rates exceeding 50%. Regarding the exposure of the Chinese population to mycotoxins resulting from alcoholic beverage consumption, fruit wine intake made a relatively significant contribution to aflatoxin exposure, while baijiu showed a relatively significant contribution to ZEN exposure (1.84%). The analysis of the correlation between grape variety, wine region, and mycotoxin content demonstrated that FBs, ZEN, and DON were significantly influenced by grape variety and wine region. This research holds great significance in protecting human life and health, as well as in the production of safer alcoholic beverages.

Cureus ; 16(3): e55342, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559520


Background This cross-sectional analytical study aimed to assess the level of knowledge on dietary management of chronic kidney disease (CKD) among patients undergoing hemodialysis in a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry, South India. Methodology The study was conducted among 86 inpatients diagnosed with CKD and undergoing hemodialysis in the dialysis unit. They were selected by simple random sampling. The self-administered, validated, self-structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. The study was conducted from May to September 2019. Descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (chi-square) were used to find out the relationship between the level of knowledge and background variables using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 25.0 (Released 2017; IBM Corp., Armonk, New York, United States). Results The findings indicated that the majority of patients were in the 20-30 age range (36, 41.9%), male (58, 67.4%), from nuclear families (58, 66.3%), with mixed dietary habits (60, 69.8%), and undergoing thrice-weekly hemodialysis (34, 53.5%). Additionally, 59 (68.6%) were hypertensive and 14 (16.3%) were diabetic. Most patients exhibited a moderate level of knowledge (74, 86%), while a small percentage had inadequate (6, 7%) and adequate (6, 7%) knowledge, with a mean (SD) value of 2.00 (0.376). The study identified statistically significant associations between knowledge levels and age, occupation, food habits, duration of dialysis, pre-existing co-morbid illnesses, and treatment of hemodialysis with a p-value <0.05. Conclusions In conclusion, this study highlights that the majority of the CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis exhibit moderately adequate knowledge of dietary management. However, a notable need remains for further education and support in this area. Addressing these knowledge gaps is crucial, as it can empower nursing students and healthcare professionals to educate these patients on their dietary needs effectively. By providing comprehensive education and support, we can enhance the quality of care and improve outcomes for hemodialysis patients.

Heliyon ; 10(7): e28486, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560132


Enterococcus durans, is a potential functional strain with the capacity to regulate intestinal health and ameliorate colonic inflammation. However, the strain requires further investigation regarding its safety profile and potential mechanisms of colitis improvement. In this study, the safety of E. durans 98D (Ed) as a potential probiotic was studied using in vitro methods. Additionally, a dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced murine colitis model was employed to investigate its impact on the intestinal microbiota and colitis. In vitro antimicrobial assays revealed Ed sensitivity to common antibiotics and its inhibitory effect on the growth of Escherichia coli O157, Streptococcus pneumoniae CCUG 37328, and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. To elucidate the functional properties of Ed, 24 weight-matched 6-week-old female C57BL/6J mice were randomly divided into three groups (n = 8): NC group, Con group (DSS), and Ed group (DSS + Ed). Ed administration demonstrated a protective effect on colitis mice, as evidenced by improvements in body weight, colonic length, reduced disease activity index, histological scores, diminished splenomegaly, and decreased goblet cell loss. Furthermore, Ed downregulated the expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokine genes (IL-6, IL-1ß, and TNF-α) and upregulated the expression of the anti-inflammatory cytokine gene IL-10. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed significant alterations in microbial α-diversity, with principal coordinate analysis indicating distinct differences in microbial composition among the three groups. At the phylum level, the relative abundance of Actinomycetota significantly increased in the Ed-treated group. At the genus level, Ed treatment markedly elevated the relative abundance of Paraprevotella, Rikenellaceae_RC9, and Odoribacter in DSS-induced colitis mice. In conclusion, Ed exhibits potential as a safe and effective therapeutic agent for DSS-induced colitis by reshaping the colonic microbiota.

Heliyon ; 10(7): e28296, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560133


The current study was designed to investigate the consequences of rice cooking and soaking of cooked rice (CR) with or without arsenic (As) contaminated water on As and Fe (iron) transfer to the human body along with associated health risk assessment using additive main-effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) and Monte Carlo Simulation model. In comparison to raw rice, As content in cooked rice (CR) and soaked cooked rice (SCR) enhanced significantly (at p < 0.05 level), regardless of rice cultivars and locations (at p < 0.05 level) due to the use of As-rich water for cooking and soaking purposes. Whereas As content in CR and SCR was reduced significantly due to the use of As-free water for cooking and soaking purposes. The use of As-free water (AFW) also enhanced the Fe content in CR. The overnight soaking of rice invariably enhanced the Fe content despite the use of As-contaminated water in SCR however, comparatively in lesser amount than As-free rice. In the studied area, due to consumption of As-rich CR and SCR children are more vulnerable to health hazards than adults. Consumption of SCR (prepared with AFW) could be an effective method to minimize As transmission and Fe enrichment among consumers.

Heliyon ; 10(7): e27836, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560188


Food systems rely on natural resources for production causing their depletion. Sustainability assessment can encourage farms and agri-food companies to improve sustainability performances. Sustainability assessment frameworks and tools differ in their purposes, scope, methods of application, and required time for execution; however, most of them do not fit with value chains, or they do not cover all sustainability dimensions. Our objective is to propose a holistic framework to assess sustainability at agri-food value chains level. The proposed framework combines the Sustainability Assessment of Food and Agriculture systems (SAFA) (El Hage, 2012) [1] and The Agri-food Evaluation Framework (TEEB) [2]. It incorporates the concepts of Socio-Ecological Systems, Assemblage, and Social Practices. It integrates system dynamics by emphasising human and natural capital stocks and their users. We explain in detail the methodological steps we followed to construct and to apply this new framework to two case studies in Italy and France. The new framework was applied to real-life case studies and has shown its effectiveness and demonstrates its potential for widespread use in similar scenarios.

Heliyon ; 10(7): e28438, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560236


Over the past decade, food safety has become a major concern due to the intensive use of pesticides. Pesticide contamination has been observed in poultry products when seeds are coated with pesticides or when stored products are exposed to pesticides in warehouses. In this experiment, the residue levels of malathion transferred from corn grain to the different parts of the chicken product, its transfer factors (TFs) and the human dietary risk for consumers were evaluated. Growth performance and carcass parameters of the chicken samples were also determined after different doses of malathion exposure. Malathion residues from different parts of chicken meat (breast, thigh, wing, liver and skin) were extracted by the QuEChERS method and analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrophotometry (LC-MS/MS). A deterministic approach was used to calculate the acute and chronic risk assessment. Body weight, feed conversion ratio and feed intake decreased with increasing malathion dose. In addition to reduced feed intake, cold carcass and liver weights of the chicks were also decreased. The highest residues were found in the skin of the chicken followed by the breast, thigh, wing and liver. The TFs of malathion varied between 0.00 and 0.05 according to the different doses applied (4 mg/kg, 8 mg/kg, 16 mg/kg, 32 mg/kg). The chronic exposure assessment (HQ) showed that consumers of all ages and genders consumed 0.008-0.604% of the acceptable daily intake (0.3 mg/kg body weight (bw)/day) of malathion from chicken products. The acute intake assessment (aHQ) of consumers ranged from 0.00015 to 0.0135% of the acute reference dose (0.3 mg/kg bw). In conclusion the results suggest that the risk associated with the malathion residues in chicken meat was found to be low but the residue levels in meat should not be ignored.

Heliyon ; 10(7): e28149, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560272


In this study, the objective is to explore the practicability of incorporating synthetic fibre reinforced polymer (SFRP) stirrups into reinforced concrete beams. This investigation revolves around evaluating their effectiveness from two key perspectives: their structural performance and environmental impact. To accomplish this, four set of specimens were prepared, each integrating SFRP stirrups, and testing them under a rigorous three-point bending load test. The structural performance analysis entails a comprehensive examination on the critical design factors such as: the load-deflection relationship and the contribution these SFRP stirrups to improve the ductility performance, flexural stiffness, deformability factor, flexural toughness and energy absorption capacity. The findings of this study indicate that the SFRP stirrups exhibit commendable shear capacity, meeting the necessary requirements, and simultaneously demonstrate satisfactory ductility. It is determined, that the optimal design for these SFRP stirrups involves utilizing narrow and thin stirrups placed at relatively larger intervals. Furthermore, this research delves into assessing the environmental impact of incorporating SFRP stirrups. This assessment enables us to comprehensively evaluate the environmental implications of the entire life cycle of these stirrups in structural beam. Moreover, the analysis reveals that, SFRP stirrups yields lower environmental impacts compared to their steel counterparts, they still provide valuable insights into the overall sustainability considerations within the context of reinforced concrete structures.

HCA Healthc J Med ; 5(1): 11-18, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560394


Background: In this study, we aimed to assess the hospital course, outcomes after hospitalization, and predictors of outcomes in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). Methods: We included 1403 patients with AS between 2016 and 2021 who were identified using International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes from a large for-profit healthcare system database. Demographics and clinical characteristics were compared between those who had a favorable outcome, defined as being discharged to home without readmission within 3 months of discharge, versus those who had an unfavorable outcome. A stepwise logistic regression was used to identify demographic and clinical characteristics associated with home discharge and readmission. Results: The mean age for all AS patients was 56.06 ± 17.01 years, which was younger in the favorable outcome group, and 82.47% of patients were discharged to home after the average length of stay of 3.72 ± 4.09 days, also shorter in the favorable outcome group. Of 1403 patients, 37.56% were readmitted within 3 months of discharge, at a lower rate in the group with home discharge. Opioids were the most commonly used medication during hospitalization (67.07%), prescribed at a lower rate in the favorable outcome group. Medical coverage by Medicare and Medicaid, fall at admission, hospital-acquired anemia, steroid, acetaminophen, muscle relaxant use, and an increased dose of morphine milligram equivalent at discharge were significantly associated with decreased odds of home discharge. Surgical procedures during admission, gastrointestinal complications, discharge to inpatient rehabilitation units, and use of benzodiazepine were associated with an increased risk of readmission within 3 months. Conclusion: Recognizing factors that put patients with AS at risk of unfavorable outcomes is useful information to improve patient care during hospitalization.

Acad Pathol ; 11(2): 100111, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560424


Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) are observable activities that define the practice of medicine and provide a framework of evaluation that has been incorporated into US medical school curricula in both undergraduate and graduate medical education. This manuscript describes the development of an entrustment scale and formative and summative evaluations for pathology EPAs, outlines a process for faculty development that was employed in a pilot study implementing two Anatomic Pathology and two Clinical Pathology EPAs in volunteer pathology residency programs, and provides initial validation data for the proposed pathology entrustment scales. Prior to implementation, faculty development was necessary to train faculty on the entrustment scale for each given activity. A "train the trainer" model used performance dimension training and frame of reference training to train key faculty at each institution. The session utilized vignettes to practice determination of entrustment ratings and development of feedback for trainees as to strengths and weaknesses in the performance of these activities. Validity of the entrustment scale is discussed using the Messick framework, based on concepts of content, response process, and internal structure. This model of entrustment scales, formative and summative assessments, and faculty development can be utilized for any pathology EPA and provides a roadmap for programs to design and implement EPA assessments into pathology residency training.

Acad Pathol ; 11(2): 100110, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560425


Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) are observable clinical skills and/or procedures that have been introduced into medical education at the student and resident levels in most specialties to determine readiness to advance into residency or independent practice, respectively. This publication describes the process and outcomes of a pilot study looking at the feasibility of using two anatomic pathology and two clinical pathology EPAs in pathology residency in 6 pathology residency programs that volunteered for the study. Faculty development on EPAs and their assessment was provided to pilot program faculty, and EPA assessment tools were developed and used by the pilot programs. Pre- and post-study surveys were given to participating residents, faculty, and program directors to gauge baseline practices and to gather feedback on the EPA implementation experience. Results demonstrated overall good feasibility in implementing EPAs. Faculty acceptance of EPAs varied and was less than that of program directors. Residents reported a significant increase in the frequency with which faculty provided formative assessments that included specific examples of performance and specific ways to improve, as well as increased frequency with which faculty provided summative assessments that included specific ways to improve. EPAs offered the most benefit in setting clear expectations for performance of each task, for providing more specific feedback to residents, and in increasing Program director's understanding of resident strengths abilities and weaknesses.

Acta Stomatol Croat ; 58(1): 59-75, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38562218


Objectives: Dentists provide dental care to their patients and educate them on their oral hygiene and how to maintain oral health. This paper aimed to determine whether dentists are hypocritical when advising their patients on oral hygiene procedures and dental treatments because they do not apply to themselves what they recommend to others. Material and methods: This is a self-reported study conducted through an online survey questionnaire completed by 1001 participants, of whom 551 were non-dentists and 450 dentists. This is the first study on oral hygiene habits and oral status among dentists in Croatia. This research included almost 10% of the total number of working dentists in Croatia. Results: In terms of dental hygiene habits, dentists brushed, flossed and used interdental brushes more frequently, and they also changed toothbrushes more frequently, whereas they attended check-ups less frequently. Dentists also reported a smaller number of teeth with cavities, a greater number of teeth with fillings, a greater number of extracted teeth, and a greater number of dental crowns, but a smaller number of healthy teeth compared to general population. However, dentists had a much higher proportion of participants over 30 years of age, and when sub-analysis of participants over 30 years of age was performed, dentists had a greater number of healthy teeth compared to the general population. Conclusions: The results showed that dentists are aware of the importance of their oral health and that they do not pay attention only to their oral hygiene habits, but also apply advice they give their patients. Therefore, they cannot be considered hypocritical.